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Derrybrien Wind Farm Newsletter May 2023

In February 2022, An Bord Pleanála (ABP) refused Gort Windfarms Limited application for substitute consent in relation to the Derrybrien Wind Farm project.

Following the ABP decision, on March 16th, 2022, Gort Windfarms Limited confirmed that it would comply with the outcome of the ABP decision, ceased commercial operations and announced the permanent closure of the Derrybrien wind farm and undertook to decommission the project in accordance with planning laws and regulations. Gort Windfarms Limited is now in the process of preparing for the decommissioning of the wind farm and associated elements and is engaging with the Local Authority.

Gort Windfarms Limited will seek to minimise disruption and impacts on the community during the decommissioning phase.

Gort Windfarms Limited is also committed to keeping the community informed on the decommissioning phase via updates posted on the Derrybrien Wind Farm website: .

The Derrybrien Community Liaison Officer, David Linnane, will ensure any queries or further questions you may have will be responded to.

David can be contacted at or by phone at 086 2558111.